What is Thrive?
Revolutionizing the Face of Addiction Treatment and Changing Lives
Thrive Pharmacy was born out of a passion for providing a dignified approach to opiate and alcohol-free lifestyles and sensible pain management. We also provide low-cost erectile dysfuncion (ED) medications which provides for meaningful interactions with your partner which is also allowing your relationship to thrive. Our establishment provides a welcoming culture and a meaningful experience for those seeking true transformation and accountability in freedom from addiction. We will only treat you as a fellow human who is deserving of all that life has to offer. We are here to encourage you find a community of support as you re-discover those elements of your life that may have been lost. We may add other treatments which hold the goal of helping us to become our best selves. Please join us in the absolute belief that we all deserve to Thrive.
What are Opiate Medications?
Opiates, originally derived from the poppy plant, have been around for thousands of years. People use opiates for both recreational and medicinal purposes. Some opiates come from the raw, natural opium. While other opiates are manufactured to have the same chemical structure as the raw opium.
Opiates include a variety of drugs ranging from legal drugs such as fentanyl, codeine, and morphine to illegal drugs such as heroin. The one thing they all have in common is the ability to depress or slow down the body’s central nervous system.
There are three classifications of opiates. The first group is a naturally occurring opium derivative including morphine. The second group contains partially synthetic derivatives of morphine called opioid drugs such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, and oxymorphone. The third group contains synthetic compounds like Fentanyl, alfentanil, levorphanol, Meperidine, methadone, codeine, and Propoxyphene.
What are Non-Opiate Medications?
Non-onopioid (non-narcotic) analgesics include acetaminophen, the most commonly used over-the-counter pain medicine. Other drugs are not technically part of the analgesic family, but are nonetheless considered analgesics in practice. These include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Common NSAIDS are medications like ibuprofen, naproxen, and diclofenac. They may be in oral form or topically applied to minimize systemic absorption (diclofenac). Aspirin and acetaminophen are two of the most widely used analgesics and are effective for mild to moderate headache and pain of musculoskeletal origin. Topical administration of lidocaine (as an ointment or a patch) numbs the area involved without affecting the whole body. Other medications like duloxetine are effective in peripheral neuropathies. In one recent study (Effect of Opiod vs Nonopioid Medications on Pain-Related Function in Patients With Chronic Back Pain or Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: The SPACE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2018 Mar 6, 319(9):872-882) non-opiates were superior for certain medical conditions. Everyone is different. What we now know is that years later from "Big Pharma" marketing campaigns, opiates have a high abuse potential and that alternatives need to be considered. We will be carrying a limited selection of these non-opiate medications which may be billed under insurance. Contact us for a current list or verify with our "formulary" choice under "Services".

What is Substance Use Disorder (SUD)?
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):
"Substance use disorders occur when the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes clinically significant impairment, including health problems, disability, & failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home. In 2014, about 21.5 million Americans ages 12 and older (8.1%) were classified with a substance use disorder in the past year. Of those, 2.6 million had problems with both alcohol & drugs, 4.5 million had problems with drugs but not alcohol, and 14.4 million had problems with alcohol only." See our links on the Resource tab to get more helpful & vital resource information about these disorders.
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is a subset of SUD. Opiates range from street drugs such as heroin, to the frequently prescribed schedule II medications such as oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl, methadone, & many derivates of these medications. Heroine accounts for less than 15% of these addictions. Everything else started in a pharmacy or hospital at some time. Regardless of the source or the drug involved, all carry a risk of dependence & addiction. When an opiate is used, 16 different processes are activated at the mu-opiate receptor. This is like two octopi (plural of octopus) grabbing on to you. This is why we need to all recognize that opiate addiction is simply not a moral failing or weakness but is a true medical condition that needs to be treated medically. For some patients this is a lifetime of medication assisted treatment (MAT). For others, after a few years of diligent lifestyle changes including attending support groups/therapy, they may taper off & move away from MAT as they have developed new living skills. Everyone is different. Speak with your provider & be real with your struggles and successes. As it takes almost 2 years for the brain to heal after quitting addictions, be patient with the process and allow the healing to occur over time. Recognize that physical intimacy with your supportive partner may also be an issue during this time. We offer low-cost ED drugs by prescription if needed. Visit our site for researching these options. Please also visit our links we provided on the Resource page & get the help and assistance you need to be coupled with MAT. It is estimated only 10% will succesfully be abstinent from opiates when quitting without medication assisted treatment. The other 90% will repeatedly fail. At Thrive, we are committed to providing cost-effective medication assisted treatment & to point you to the paths of good living & communities you need to be a part of. Come visit us for questions and fellowship.

What are Thrive Medications?
We are a specialized niche pharmacy which is making FDA Compliant compounds for specific conditions. Many of these compound forms are in the "troche" form (pronounciation of "tro-kee" or with a french accent "tro-shay".... we are using the "tro-kee" way to say it). We are able to color and flavor these so they are readily identifiable. You store a troche the same way you would store a chocolate bar. Room temperature is ok. The Refrigerator is ok. The car is not, especially in Florida, and neither is your pocket. You also want to keep these away from children of any age as they are not candy. Your animals also need to be protected. These troches are made to dissolve in your mouth (under the tongue for many as the label will say), in an average of 3 minutes. They have not been shown to produce any raise in blood sugars (blame that on what you eat on other conditions). They are made with 100% pure pharmaceutical powders for the active drug. This allows a substantial cost savings, as well as specific dosings that are not commercially available. We are currently offering two flavors for each medication strength. If you have an allergy to colors or other agents, please discuss this with us. We are able to make the troche dye-free but identification is critical so they must remain in their packaging. Insurance companies by-in-large will not cover compounds. The price listed is the expected cash price. We do take HSA/flex cards in addition to major credit cards so that option is open. We look forward to serving you with meaning, value, and purpose in a way you have never experienced before. Check our Services tab to see the most convenient way that you can begin the journey.