Thrive Pharmacy Jacksonville 

Thrive Pharmacy is Jacksonville, Florida's only pharmacy that specializes in affordable options for opiate addiction, pain management alternatives, and erectile dysfunction. We have partnered with many physicians and telemedicine groups. We have no limit on patients and how many we can help as compound pharmacies fall under different restrictions. It saddens us that so many other pharmacies will not help you and treat you with dignity and respect. 

(a 20 minute video of why I opened Thrive and why you are my people)

Price list is further down, so is taper letter, my letter to you all, and Subs wish list. Scroll down!

As a compound pharmacy we provide many options that are not commercially available.

We can ship next day anywhere in the State of Florida. We are now licensed in Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington State, Wisconsin (with others pending). For most of these states, "2-day" for rational shipping prices.

       Thrive is committed to addressing the opioid crisis and therefore is a Schedule II narcotic-free pharmacy. Our concept is to promote encouragement and enrich the lives of our community in a nurturing environment with a caring staff. We call this a win for all.Now open 5 years plus, we have expand to other states. Thousands have been helped and many more in are in desperate need. We have helped so many taper down and find ideal dosing for their medications.                   

Please call us for questions!

If curious about caffeine alternatives,   This is us too :-)

An Open Letter to All  (click the title to the left)

Subs Wish List  (click the title to the left)

Taper Letter (click the title to the left)

Price List  (click the title to the left)